Hello World, You Beautiful Bastard!

Winona, Jens, and Anouk

This is a cover photo

The Counterman is beckoning to him to a newly vacated seat. Deckard sits down at the noodle bar and the Counterman, an elderly Japanese, slaps a menu in front of him.

No words on the menu, just pictures of sliced fish parts. Deckard points to a particular item and holds up four fingers. The Counterman looks at the item on the menu, and confirms the order by holding up two fingers.

Deckard shakes his head “no” and repeats his four fingers. This is bold and this in italics, we can also do links and preferably links that aren’t too intrusive and disruptive.

A New Life Awaits You in the Off-World Colony

I want more life, fucker. Tyrell faces Batty with admirable cool. After a tense pause, the old man slides away from Batty and out of bed. He’s wearing a long nightshirt, and he looks a little silly. He looks down at Batty, who’s still sitting on the bed, and addresses him as a professor addresses a pupil.

Unordered Lists

  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis lorem eleifend.
  • Felis feugiat dolore viverra.
  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
Upside down Spiderman
With one simple question, Mean Girls’ Aaron starts a meme.

Ordered Lists

  1. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  2. Sagittis lorem eleifend.
  3. Felis feugiat dolore viverra.
  4. Dolor pulvinar etiam.

A new life awaits you in the Off-World colonies. The chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure!

— Bladerunner

You can also include a video

It’ll look mighty fine; just paste that URL into WordPress and watch the magic unfold.

Video caption

Aenean fringilla ligula et viverra suscipit. Pellentesque ac sapien magna. Sed laoreet commodo suscipit. Vivamus est ipsum, elementum dapibus nulla vitae, porta ornare justo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed et felis lobortis, maximus odio in, maximus leo. Donec egestas, tortor vel molestie eleifend, enim felis aliquet lacus, volutpat mattis diam odio non erat.

Proin imperdiet ultrices blandit. Praesent facilisis cursus tincidunt. Sed sollicitudin hendrerit nibh posuere pulvinar. Quisque viverra nunc vitae est vulputate, sed accumsan ipsum dapibus. Vestibulum blandit viverra dolor, eget venenatis felis luctus eget.

My office
My office

Aliquam convallis in arcu vitae finibus. Morbi facilisis nisl ut tortor vehicula, et tristique nisi aliquam. In nec erat sed dui gravida vestibulum.

add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'misha_gutenberg_css' );

function misha_gutenberg_css(){

	add_theme_support( 'editor-styles' ); // if you don't add this line, your stylesheet won't be added
	add_editor_style( 'style-editor.css' ); // tries to include style-editor.css directly from your theme folder


Aenean fringilla ligula et viverra suscipit. Pellentesque ac sapien magna. Sed laoreet commodo suscipit. Vivamus est ipsum, elementum dapibus nulla vitae, porta ornare justo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed et felis lobortis, maximus odio in, maximus leo. Donec egestas, tortor vel molestie eleifend, enim felis aliquet lacus, volutpat mattis diam odio non erat. Proin imperdiet ultrices blandit.

Pullquote: Baldrick, I want you to take this and go out and buy a turkey so large, you’d think its mother had been rogered by an omnibus.

— Blackadder
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Thanks for listening! Keep sharing, keep learning, keep creating, keep encouraging, and remember that everything is stardust, and stardust is everything ✌️👨‍🎤